"Pray ye the Lord of the harvest" (Matt. 9:37). A call to prayer, for all true gospel service begins on our knees. He that has the gospel field most on his heart will be most on his knees about it. Our Lord could put thousands of workers into the field without ow prayers, if He so wished, yet from this text we observe He does not do so! "Pray ye the Lord of the harvest that He will thrust forth laborers into His harvest." What a call this is! You and I have an important part in the sending forth of workers into the work. Brethren, let us respond swiftly to this call!
"Give ye them to eat" (Matt. 14:16). A call to our liberality, for if our hearts are touched and our lips have supplicated, our hands will not be slow to reach out in the blessed ministry of giving the bread of life to hungry souls around us. And yet again, we notice that He who is Creator and Provider of all men could "do this unaided by us; for what are we, brethren, but half-believing disciples with two small loaves and five fishes. How can we feed the starving multitudes? Never mind. Let us heed the call, and give what we have, and He will multiply it a thousandfold. Help us then, Lord, to do our part in answering the cry of needy souls within our reach.
"Go ye and teach all nations" (Matt. 28:19). This call has been termed "The Great Commission." "Go ye therefore into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature." But we say, Can He not do this without us? Is not all power in heaven and earth His? Yes, and may the burning power of this call enter our souls in such fashion as to make us living witnesses for Him in this dark world, for He commands us to both preach and teach the gospel to all nations. Brethren, He will not save souls apart from us. The call is, Go ye.
It may be that some will hear it more deeply than others, and will willingly leave home, kindred, and all that life holds dear, to go forth into the unevangelized parts of the earth with the precious message of God's salvation.
Saints, awake! PRAY YE, persistently! GIVE YE, freely! GO YE, boldly! -r. west.