"They came and saw where He dwelt and abode with Him that day" (John 1:39).
We read how the disciples sat
And listened to His word,
Our hearts then burn; we often wish
That we His voice had heard.
Were His abode still on this earth
Our feet would hasten there.
How blest were they who with Him dwelt
And thus His life did share!
For blessings then bestowed by Christ
We need not vainly long,
When richest blessings may be ours,
If faith and trust be strong.
We may abide with our dear Lord
As truly as did they,
Who found that holy dwelling-place,
And there abode that day.
Lord Jesus Christ, give us a place
Close to Thy sacred side:
Thou'rt still unseen but greatly loved;
Do Thou with us abide.
E. W. Carlile