A New Form Of An Old Exhortation.

I, the prisoner of the Master, pray you, O my brethren
dear, [you near;
Walk ye worthy of the calling wherewith He hath called
Let the graces of your Saviour, meekness, lowliness and
love, [land above;
Mark out all your earthly pathway till you reach the
All forbearance, all longsuffering, never giving place to
wrath, [ hath
UNITY OF SPIRIT keeping, in the BOND OF PEACE that
Every hope of richest blessing, from THE ONE, who,
yearning, prayed, [made."
"Keep them one, O blessed Father, one in Us forever

Only one great Body is there, indivisible evermore;
One blest Spirit, giving access to THE ONE whom they
adore; [find a place;
One high calling to the mansions where each one shall
One great Lord, whom all are serving, till they see Him
face to face;
One tried Faith that binds each member to THE ONE
who's gone on high;
One baptismal water symbol, and a penitential cry;
One blest Father, whom adoring, prostrate all the ransomed fall,
God forever, blest and mighty, over, round, and in them
all.-(Eph. 4).

Ye have heard the crystal fountain, pouring forth its
limpid stream, [dream,
Ye have caught the words of Jesus, purer than a heavenly
Ye have learned the truth He lived once, pearls of beauty
shrined in life, [and strife;
Therefore put ye off the old man, full of sin and lust
Now renewed within the spirit, God's creation, pure and
bright, [of the light;
Righteousness and goodness clothe you, as in garments
So then now put on the new man, imitators of the Lord,
Rendering praise 'long earthly pathway to THE ONE
by each adored. F. C. Grant