Young Believers’ Department

Calendar:Dec. 16th to Jan. 15th.

DAILY BIBLE READING ……… Dec. 16th, 2 Cor. 2; Dec. 31st, Gal. 5; Jan. 15th, Col. 4.
MEMORY WORK . .2 Thess., ch. 3, also Memory Outlines.
GOOD READING….Complete"Holiness:the False and the True."

Daily Reading

I hope you are being led into God's wondrous thoughts for us in these Epistles of Paul. Let us meditate and pray as we read these daily chapters. They are, we may say, the crown of all God's word. If they control our lives we will indeed answer to God's purposes for us. Speaking of daily Bible reading, I was much interested a day or two ago to hear from a dear brother, who is now engaged in the Lord's work, that he was converted through reading the Bible through. He began to read it out of curiosity, and it was not till he was reading it through for the fourth time that his heart was laid hold of. He is, of course, still a reader of the Word, and most heartily believes in consecutive reading.

Memory Work

Let us complete 2 Thessalonians this month, learning chapter 3, and then reviewing the whole book. As to Memory Outlines, I am very glad to tell of two more who have completed Matthew, a sister and a brother. The latter writes:"In my memory outline you will notice a few blemishes, and I had started a word wrong in one or two places, but have corrected them immediately and not after I had compared them with my note book. I can write the whole outline on paper now in about 20 minutes from memory. I am surely glad I started it, for it's a splendid way to fix Scripture in our minds. I hope to continue now with Luke. I have found many new thoughts from just writing down the outlines." I am indeed thankful for our dear brother's perseverance, which has been now rewarded. He and the sister I spoke of will soon get their copy of W. Kelly on Matthew, and it is a great pleasure to send them. There is still a month in which others can share in this work. I do hope to receive some more of these outlines of Matthew before December 31st. Who else will try? You will never regret it. For those who have completed Matthew, and for others who wish to begin the next outline study, I think we will take the Gospel of Luke for our next work. In order to give ample time, and not to overcrowd you, we will take January and February for this. I shall probably have something more to say about it at the beginning of the year.

Good Reading

We will close the year with the book I have suggested, and next year, if the Lord please, we will continue this reading with that suggested for the Bible Class work by Mr. Bloore. This will, I hope, secure more regular readers, and not overcrowd those who have their hands full.


"Since my wife and I have become interested in the Y. B. D. in Help and Food we look forward to getting it, and find many helpful things there. We have been following up 'good reading.'… .Our last Y. B. M., was a fine one. Our brother G. made a long table in his home and we all sat around it, which seems to bring us more together, as well as making it very convenient to lay our Bibles and note books before us. We are taking up Church truth and have 50 copies of a book on the subject. We will take it up in chapters and become better acquainted with the truth as to how and why we gather as we do. My prayer is that the interest that is now shown may continue, or even be increased. We are trying to get others interested who do not come." Fifty books to go round the class! And a few months ago this brother wrote he did not know of more than two or three young people to take hold! It is well to say that there are four gatherings or more not more than 20 miles apart, and they all get together.
"It will interest you to know that the 5 converts I wrote you about were baptized a few weeks ago. My oldest son, who was converted a year ago, was also baptized. All these young people will be received into fellowship next Lord's Day. Praise His name!"

"The young Italian brother seems to have won back the confidence of his father; after having told him he was a disgrace to the family, and the Catholic faith, he (the father) could not help but see the wonderful change.

"The last Young People's meeting was also a success, some 40 present, including outsiders. Brother W. gave us a very interesting talk with stereopticon views of the history of the Bible, showing photos of some of the early Greek manuscripts."

The Question Box

Ans. to Q. 13. (From Nov. Help and Food):

"Inasmuch as 'God spake and it was done' in creation; and in new birth God works a miracle by His Spirit; and in 'the day of the Lord' a nation shall be born in a day; and considering that 'in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye,' we shall be changed-is there not all through a thought of spiritual as against material things? It is not so much a question of material place. The wonderful thing is the work of God."-A. H. B.

Other questions and answers are deferred to the next issue, January, 1927.

Increased Circulation

I have been greatly cheered by the appreciation of our little Department. It is looked for and read with avidity by numbers, and I trust during the coming year it will be still more a medium of intercourse between our various groups of young Christians, and older ones too.

The circulation of Help and Food is quite wide, but it is not as large as we could wish. I wonder if you could not do something to help in this. Is there some one in your meeting who looks after ordering the magazines, etc.? If so, I am sure a little help from you would be welcome. If you see that all the young people have a copy in their homes; and then see that there is a copy in every home in the gathering. Besides this, many know dear Christians who, while not in the meeting, have a deep interest in the things of God. Perhaps you might secure some of these as subscribers. Let us see how many new subscribers from these different sources you can secure for the coming year. This is meant as a practical suggestion for you to take up.

Young Believers' Meetings

64th meeting Y. B.D., held at home of G. S., Wednesday, Oct. 6th, 1926. Total present, 17.

Opened with singing of a few hymns and prayer. Reports were given on the following tracts:

1. Four Judgments. B. G.
2. Light at Eventide. H. F.

3. Personal Trespass, etc. D. F.

4. Seven Neglect Nots. V. S.

5. Breakdown of Religion. M. DeV.

6. A Help or a Hindrance-which? Mr. H.

The reading of the reports seemed to arouse the interest of all, which will probably lead to a deeper concern in the securing and reading of these helpful pamphlets.

The description of the last judgment was covered in the report on, the Pour Judgments.

The study of "What is the Hope of His Calling"; "The Hope of Your Calling" and "The Hope of our Calling" was suggested as being very interesting.

Eph. 1:18 contains the expression, "What is the Hope of His Calling." Ephesians opens up with the thought that we are chosen in the Beloved. "What is the Hope of His Calling?"-That those whom He has chosen will be with Him, He is looking forward to the time when we are all together up there; that is His part in it. Let us rise above our own interests and think what His portion is in it all. Our salvation is but a means to an end-the glory of God.

Following to be reported on next time:

Are You a Member of and what? (E. L.); Christ the Center (G. B.); Safety, Certainty and Enjoyment (B. S.); Fallen from Grace (F. S.); Sabbath (H. G.); Burial of the Egyptian (L. H.). Christian Companionship (V. S.) ; Staff and Scepter (J. D.); Fruitful Bough (M. D.); All-Sufficiency of Christ (A. H.); The Time of Harvest (L. M.); Secret Prayer (M. C.).

Subjects:Where do we find the "purifying hope" explained? D. H., H. F., and C. S. Does 1 John 3:1-2 teach that the vision of Christ is to be the transforming power? M. and J. D. What relation do little children bear to the truth of the Lord's coming? E. L. and H. G. Explain 1 Pet. 4:6. A. H.

United Prayer

As we look back over the past year, how many prayers have been answered! Perhaps each of us can see where the Lord has granted our requests. I think we can all thank Him for the deepened and increasing interest among our beloved young people. We can also thank Him for the part our little Department is doing in this. For the Greek class too we have much to be thankful for.

But past answers to prayer are also an encouragement to fresh requests. As we began last month to note requests, we will add a few more. Have you any one on your heart for whom you specially desire something? Their conversion, restoration if already saved, deliverance, guidance? Surely we have much to pray for.
5. For the Lord's work in the Foreign Field. We do pray for this, but let us make it a special subject both for private and public prayer.

6. A brother asks prayer for the conversion of his father.

7. For three young men, inclined in different ways to be skeptical.

And now, my beloved brothers and sisters, at the close of another year, I wish to express the great joy and encouragement I have received from you. Your letters, your interest, have been a stimulus and a joy. Many of you I have met during the year and have been made glad by the response you are making to these varied interests. Let us, as we draw to the year's close, be much in prayer, as we review the past and look forward to the future. May we profit by our failures and mistakes, and press forward with renewed hope and courage in the Lord for the year to come.

What would you suggest as a good and appropriate motto for the coming year? Think it over and send it in with your next letter.

May yours be a truly Happy New Year, a Happy, Healthful, Helpful year. Our Lord Jesus Himself bless you most richly. Affectionately and gratefully,

Your brother in Christ our Lord, S. R.

All letters please send c|o Loizeaux Bros.,

1 East 13th St., New York City.