We love to trace the foot-prints of Jesus here below, [woe;
'Tis there we find perfection's path through this dark scene of
His is the bright unswerving way in which our feet should go:
Lord, give us strength to follow Thee
That we may all Thy glory see.
We always find Him in the path where God's own presence shone, ‘
Whether speaking to the multitude, or on the mount alone;
He came and told the Father's love in heaven's sweetest tone:
Oh, let us listen to His voice
That ever makes His own rejoice.
We see Him as He wends His way from Bethlehem's lowly [manger
To toil in dark and needy fields, a weary homeless stranger,
To lead His humble followers from paths of sin and danger:
Oh, may we to His Word take heed,
And in His blessed steps proceed.
We see Him in the wilderness, with Satan at His side,
Seeking to lure the Holy One and turn His feet aside;
He will not listen to his voice, nor hear the word of pride;
He came to do the Father's will,
And all His purposes fulfil.
We see Him by Samaria's well that Jacob dug of old,
Conversing with the sinner vile whose heart He must unfold;
To a poor wretched creature what wondrous truths He told!
Convinced, she fled the news to tell
That Messiah sat on Jacob's well.
We see Him at the lonely grave where His friend Lazarus sleeps,
His heart is touched with sympathy-the Man of Sorrow weeps.
The dead is called to leave the tomb, and into life he leaps.
Oh, charming voice! so full of cheer,
It soothes away the mourner's tear.
We see Him cleansing lepers, causing the blind to see;
We see Him quell a raging storm, and hush an angry sea;
And behold Him feeding thousands, with bread abundant, free;
His mighty power and love combine
To make His grace with splendor shine.
Thus might we trace His holy path across Time's checkered [waste;
His are the only perfect feet earth's highway ever graced.
With great delight the Father's eye His sinless pathway traced,
The unique, spotless Man is He,
From every taint and blemish free.
But whither doth His journey lead? Where does it end, and [why?
Ah me! the story who can tell of Him who left the sky,
And came into a world like this for sinful man to die?
Dark Calvary tells the awful tale
Of Eden's blight, and sin's entail.
C. C. Crowston