Thy Kingdom Come”

"Yet have I anointed my King upon my holy hill of Zion" (Ps.2:6).

"The earth shall be full of the knowledge of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea" (Isa. 11:9).

Oh, soon may Jehovah's Anointed deliver
A groaning creation, His purchased domain,
Redeem from its travail and bondage for ever,
In glory appear and in righteousness reign!

Of the scepter that no man is worthy to wield,
The Lamb who redeemed by His blood shall take hold,
And the purpose of God, to faith only revealed,
In the bliss of His reign shall its glories unfold.

Every fetter He'll break, every foe He'll subdue,
When He comes in the cloud in His glorious might;
Reap the harvest of earth, purge the false from the true,
And the darkness of ages supplant with the Light!

Every kindred and tongue, every people and nation,
Shall bow to Jehovah's all-glorious King;
In the light of His presence all ransomed creation
Shall bask in the blessings Immanuel shall bring.

All on earth shall be freed from galling oppression;
The wars and the carnage of ages shall cease;
The nations delivered from strife and aggression
Shall in amity dwell, in the bonds of His peace.

No more shall the world be a scene of dissension,
Of evil prevailing, of vice without shame,
Where foes of the gospel, with boastful pretension,
Deceived and deceiving, are hailed with acclaim;

But the offerings of praise and songs of rejoicing
From a reconciled world shall as incense ascend;
And nature's own anthem, unceasingly voicing
Its tribute to God, shall in harmony blend.

From shore unto shore, from ocean to ocean,
Afar to the uttermost isles of the sea,
Shall wake and re-echo the strains of devotion,
The praise of the ransomed, the song of the free:

The song of the Lamb, of the Son's incarnation,
That tells of the infinite ransom He gave,
When He stooped to the depths to redeem His creation,
The crown of His joy lost sinners to save!

The bondage of ages at last shall be broken;
The earth shall enrobe in her festal array,
And basket and store over-flowing betoken
That the curse for man's sin is taken away.

O earth! thou awaitest a destiny glorious
When the Lord of All cometh and claimeth His own;
When o'er all that opposeth He reigneth victorious,
And sickness and death shall be almost unknown.

O Salem! full bitter thy cup through the years
That have passed since that solemn and sorrowful scene
When the suffering Messiah was greeted with jeers
As He hung on the cross, the despised Nazarene.

But the days of weeping and "Lo Ammi" shall cease,
For a cup of full joy "this same Jesus" shall bring.
Thou shalt yet be the glorious City of Peace,
Of the Temple of God, of the Throne of the King!

And the Bride crowned with light, enrobed in perfection
With His grace and His glory, in blissful accord,
(Past the years of weeping with Christ in rejection)
Shall share in His glories, and reign with her Lord.

W. I . G.