“Praise Ye The Lord”

'O glorious, O blessed Lord God of Salvation!
Oh, Thee shall we praise from the depths of our heart!
Let tongue sing to tongue, and nation to nation,
And in that glad hymn all Thy works have a part.

The tops of the mountains with praises are ringing,
The depths of the valleys re-echo the cry,
The waves of the ocean Thy glories are singing,
The winds and the clouds find a voice as they fly;

The weakest, the strongest, the lowly, the glorious,
The living on earth and the dead in the grave;
For the arm of Thy Son over death is victorious,
With power to redeem, and with mercy to save.

O glorious, O blessed Lord God of Salvation!
Oh, Thee shall we praise from the depths of our heart!
Let tongue tell to tongue, and nation to nation,
How beauteous, perfect and holy Thou art!"