"And the Lord direct your hearts into the love of God and the patient waiting for Christ"(2 Thess. 3:B).
Tis not far off-the hour
When Christ our lord shall come;
According to His gracious word,
He'll come and take us home.
The days are passing by,
The years flow on apace ;
Thy coming, lord, surely draws nigh;
We long to see Thy face!
Earth's shadows deeper grow;
This is no rest of ours:
The fairest portion here below
Fades like the fragile flowers.
Eternal in the heavens
Is our prepared abode;
Radiant and pure, in light divine,
There shall we dwell with god.
No more the aching head,
The weary pilgrim feet,
The toil to win the daily bread,
But rest-divinely sweet.
Rest, lord, in serving Thee.
As none have served below:
Oh, through that blest eternity
What tides of praise shall flow!
Come when Thou wilt, O lord,
And claim us as Thine own!
In patience may we keep Thy Word,
And watch until Thou come.
H. K. B.