It becomes a habit with some to call the meeting for the breaking of bread, "the worship meeting," and our Lord's saying, "I am in the midst" is applied to this meeting almost exclusively. Yet, whilst the breaking of bread should indeed call forth the worship of our inmost heart, the expression "worship meeting" is not scriptural -it tends to depreciate other meetings, and "I am in the midst" is our Lord's promise to saints united in prayer (Matt. 18:19,20).
Some also would make it a rule to have the breaking of bread the first thing, and if any ministry, it must be afterwards. A correspondent goes even further and says, "We are there for worship, and our [Lord's day] meeting should be confined to worship, and not exhortation or teaching." Acts 20:7 should correct the mistake of such views. Can 1 Cor. 14:24-26 also be ruled out of the meetings primarily convened for the breaking of bread? Let us beware of human rules which infringe upon the liberty of the Spirit. How often souls tried or distracted by various cares, mothers pressed with family duties, etc., find refreshment and composure of mind and heart by prayer or hymn or some suitable scripture read, with or without comment, before the breaking of bread.