Young Believers’ Department

Calendar:Dec. 16th to Jan. 15th.

DAILY BIBLE READING:…….. .Dec. 16th, Ezek. 4; Dec. 31st, Ezek. 19; Jan. 15th, Ezek. 34. MEMORY WORK:…………………….2 Thess. 1.
GOOD READING:…. .C. H. M.'s Miscel. Writ's. Vol.6, "Life and Times of David."
MONTHLY QUESTION:-What is the difference between David and Solomon as types of Christ, and when will both find their full accomplishment?

Our Memory Work

We begin the study of another epistle which in some respects may be considered supplemental to the one we have just finished. The moral injunctions in both epistles are quite similar. Chapter 2:13-17 is a particularly rich portion which summarizes the place and blessing of the saints.

The difference between these two epistles may be noted in that the first deals largely with the second coming of Christ, distinguishing the coming for and with the saints, while the second letter treats of the coming of Antichrist, the events connected with this, and the "day of the Lord," when He shall be revealed in flaming fire, executing judgment upon the ungodly. In the first epistle the day of the Lord is only briefly mentioned (chap. 5). The coming of the true Christ, and the false one, are set before us, with their distinctive features. Note, too, that the Lord's coming is connected with every aspect of Christian life in the first epistle, while the coming of Antichrist and the day of the Lord bears upon the moral character and condition of the world through which the child of God is now passing. Thus being made acquainted with the development and end of the evil at work in the world, we are responsible to walk in separation from it, and, if necessary, suffer for bearing witness for our rejected Lord. May we be in accord with God's thoughts as to the scene around us, and in the secret enjoyment of His holy presence.

Some Outlines of Truth


Now as to government in the assembly. It takes various forms. Let us briefly consider them.

The exercise of government may be considered to commence with reception to the fellowship of the assembly. Those of whom we have been speaking as having the oversight have first responsibility in reception, and should exercise it in visitation of and inquiry concerning those who desire to take their place among the saints. Reception, however, is not by individuals, but by the assembly. It is a matter of fellowship for all, and so opportunity should be given for all to be satisfied. There should be confidence in the person, that there may be the full exercise of Christian intercourse. For reception we must be assured that a person is born of God, lives in a manner becoming the gospel of Christ, and is free from associations contrary to the principles and teaching of Scripture.

Once received, we are under the government and subject to the order of God's house, which, as we have previously noted, is applicable to the company of those gathered according to its truth.
First, there should be continual care for one another, for we are members of the one body, and of one household. This maintained in holiness and love would prevent the development in many cases of what calls for the exercise of other forms of care or discipline.

These other forms may be briefly noted in the following order.

1.-Disorderly walk (1 Thess. 5:14; 2 Thess. 3:6-16). Here it is individual, not assembly action, though that which necessitates withdrawal from a brother as here enjoined may lead to such a result if his ways are not changed. Exhortation or admonition is, of course, first. If this fails, there is to be the faithful yet loving testimony to the conscience in the withdrawal of one's company. One point to guard is that the disorder involved is not a matter of our own judgment, but that it is such in the light of Scripture. The Word alone must be our guide in all.

2.-Makers of divisions and occasions of falling (Rom. 16:17, 18). Here action is still individual. There are, however, added features here which were not mentioned in 2 Thess., where it was a question of being honorable to provide suited provision for present needs (1 Thess. 4:10-12). In Rom. it applies to a teaching contrary to the doctrine we have learnt, bringing in fleshly, carnal ways, from which we are to turn away, not in haste, but after due consideration. Obedience in this would effectually check divisions among God's people, and prevent that which stumbles many. A division maker could not effect division without followers.

3.-One taken in some fault, or trespass (Gal. 6:1, 2). The thought here is "a stumbling, a false step." It is not the question of a course of evil but rather some overt act. Here restoration of confidence is to be sought, and the work necessary for it carried on in meekness and self-judgment, sharing at the same time the burden which the erring one bears.

4.-A man that is a heretic (Titus 3:10,11). This closely links with those referred to in Rom. 16. It is not a question of false doctrines, or the person being fundamentally unsound, though this might develop; but of one in self-will pressing his opinions or specious teaching, forming a party around himself. This state prevailed at Corinth (1 Cor. 11:18,19). "Putting away" is not prescribed here, but admonitions. If these are not heeded, he is to be shunned, turned away from. "Perverted" implies a spiritual pride which turns out of the way.

5.-Rebuke before all (1 Tim. 5:20). Here it seems evident that the sin is such as affects the testimony, which calls for public conviction therefore, to produce a due sense of the holiness which becomes the House of God.

6.-Personal Trespass (Matt. 18:15-18). In this case let us first be sure that the trespass is not of a nature which grace would lead us to forgive and pass over rather than take up. Every trespass is not such as demands to be so dealt with; for in many things we all offend. But it is sin of such nature as may affect the fellowship of the assembly. 1 Cor. 6:1-8 may serve as an example. They were aggravating the wrong by going before the unjust, instead of their brethren, as Matt. 18 directs. In any case, the object is to recover the brother, and produce self-judgment. Should such a matter be carried to the assembly and nothing result, the case becomes a serious one, calling for that personal attitude which the Lord enjoins. It should be plain that the Lord has in view sin which may finally call for rebuke before all.
7.-Putting away (1 Cor. 5). This presents what is final as to assembly action. It is a proved course of evil which is dealt with, being brought to the attention of all by some overt act. In any case it is what is established by competent witnesses, after careful investigation. The extreme action here contemplated is taken for the good of the whole company, to preserve the purity and sanctity which belong to God's house, and in view of the recovery of the person so dealt with.

Without question this applies to the judgment of wicked doctrines as well as moral wickedness. That which touches the foundation of our holy faith must be rejected by dealing with those who promulgate, or maintain association with, destructive heresies (2 John 9-11).

8.-Restoration. Forgiveness and restoration, when the circumstances warrant it, is by the assembly, even as was the reception. It is the loosing of what was bound in the act of discipline. 2 Cor. 2:1-11 furnishes us with the example.

From this very brief survey of truth as regards the assembly, we may learn what godly care and responsibility rest upon the saints gathered to the Lord's name, in separation from the various religious orders with worldly arrangements according to man's thoughts, rather than God's.

The Question Box

The following questions have been asked in relation to the remarks made upon 1 Cor. 6:4 in our September number (see Question 31).

1. To whom are assembly questions to be submitted-to those within or those without?

ANS.-1 Cor. 5:12 answers the question. The "within" and "without" applies to the assembly-being of it, or not of it.

2. Who is responsible for an assembly matter-the assembly as such, or the so-called leaders?

ANS.-The repeated use of "ye" in 1 Cor. 5 shows that the assembly is made responsible-not certain individuals in it only. As to those who take the lead among the saints, some thoughts given in our "outlines" last month may be helpful.

3. What questions can be brought up in an assembly for judgment that do not "pertain to this life?"' (1 Cor. 6:4).

ANS.-None, if you use the expression in the widest meaning that might be given to it. But the following verses show the limited use, or application, of this expression. The Greek word biotikos, from bios, refers to the means of living, as in Luke 21:34-the only other place we have this word in the New Testament. In 1 Cor. 5 it is the judgment of persons. In 1 Cor. 6 it is a judgment of matters between brothers in the assembly, questions of interests which might be taken before the world's judiciary. The case in 1 Cor. 5 refers to assembly government. No one would think of excommunicating a person through the medium of a worldly tribunal, while the matters of 1 Cor. 6 might be so dealt with; but the apostle writes against such procedure, and calls for the adjustment of those matters among themselves, and not before the unjust.