
" When one of Verdi's great compositions was rendered for the first time in Florence it was received with tremendous applause by a huge assembly. Verdi came forward to acknowledge the applause, but stood unmoved by the torrent of enthusiasm which swirled about him. All the plaudits were not powerful enough to turn his gaze from the face of his teacher and master who sat in the audience. Without the master's intelligent approval, the tumult of the throng brought no happiness to his soul. So with us :What will it profit though we receive the applause of the multitude if we fail at last to be well-pleasing to Christ ? On the other hand what shall we care for the condemning voices of the crowd, if we have the assurance that at last we shall hear from the lips of our Master, " Well done, good and faithful servant." That will be greater compensation for all that we have done for His name's sake… In that day, the things we have done shall speak for themselves." William Evans.