Young Believers’ Department

CALENDAR:Oct. 16th to Nov. 15th

Daily Bible Reading, Oct. 16th, 2 Chron. 13; Oct. 31st,2Chron.
Memory Work. . 1 Peter 3………… [28; Nov. 15th, Ezra 7
Good Reading,…… C. H. M.'s Miscellaneous Writ's., Vol. 2, to the end of "Thou and Thy House."
Monthly Question:-What is the difference between the times of the Gentiles, and the fulness of the Gentiles ?

Present Day Conditions

Perhaps some of you have read a very recent speech by the Solicitor General of the United States in which he spoke in no uncertain way about " the present revolt against the spirit of authority," and further saying, " Conceding that lawlessness is not a novel phenomenon, has not the present age been characterized by an exceptional revolt against the authority of law ? " He answered the question by producing incontrovertible proofs of this lawless spirit, too extensive for quotation here. Some extracts may be of value.

After remarking upon the large extent to which " broken faith" obtained, in business conditions of a year ago, the speaker continued:

" In the greater sphere of social life, we find the same revolt against the institutions which have the sanction of the past. Laws which mark the decent restraints of print, speech and dress, have in recent decades been increasingly disregarded. The very foundations of the great and primitive institutions of mankind-like the family, the Church and the State-have been shaken. Nature itself is defied. Thus, the fundamental difference of sex is disregarded by social and political movements which ignore the permanent differentiation of social function ordained by God Himself."

Further on he quotes from an address given by the present Pope on last Christmas eve in which,

" The Pope said that five plagues were now afflicting humanity. The first was the unprecedented challenge to authority. The second, an equally unprecedented hatred between man and man. The third was the abnormal aversion to work. The fourth, the excessive thirst for pleasure as the great aim of life. And the fifth, a gross materialism which denied the reality of the spiritual in human life."

These words have interest for us, not only because they warn of the world's gross lawlessness, but because they so clearly confirm the testimony of God's holy Word. The light thus afforded should enable us to judge of the days in which we live, and thus enlightened be preserved from the spirit which pervades them.

In the light of the statements just quoted consider such scriptures as 2 Tim. 3:1-5; 2 Pet. 2 and 3; Jude 8-19. All are the premonitory signs of the coming apostasy spoken of in 2 Thess. 2. It is not a world which is growing better, as some vainly boast, but one ripening in evil against the day of judgment. The intelligent Christian can only look for an increase in lawlessness, and the hopelessness of all remedies until He comes whose right it is to reign. Can a world which, rejecting the Lord Jesus, chose a man condemned for sedition in which he committed robbery and murder escape being marked by the character of its choice? And in the age of its greatest achievements, in the time of its greatest boast, the loathsomeness of the world's corruption through lust is uncovered in every department of its life. It is like the days before the Flood or the condition of Sodom and Gomorrah. Let the character of Noah and Abraham mark us, not that of Lot. Our separation cannot be too sharply manifested, for "Whosoever therefore will be a friend of the world is the enemy of God." " Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him." " Come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing:and I will receive you."

Are we then marked as not following the course of this world ? Be not conformed to it, " but be ye trans formed by the renewing of your mind; that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect will of God." Let each one of us see to it that our walk be with Christ in separation from the world.

Our Memory Work

The circle of those successful in this line of work continues to increase, and this time we are able to list 29 names.

Ruth Hawn (4) …………….. Newington, Ont, Canada
Annie I. Gow (4) ………………….. Felton, Delaware
Mrs. W. T. Helmer (3) ……… Cumberland, Ont., Canada
Mildred Howard (4) …………………. Baltimore, Md.
Dorothy Howard (4)…………………..
Hazel F. Grant…………………Toronto, Ont., Canada
Bessie Lyall (4). …………….. …..Guelph, "
Alma Grant (4) ………………….
Nellie Ford……………………… Zephyrhills, Florida
Don. E. Powell-…………………..
Mrs. D. E. Powell…………………
Kathleen A. Holmes………………….. Boyertown, Pa.
Anna E. Holmes……………………..» "
Marie de Vries ………………………. Detroit, Mich.
Carrie Schwartzel (4)…………………. " "
Mable Stockford (4) ………………….. " "
Mrs. M. M. Severy ……………………" "
Mrs. W. S. Banford……………. Penticton, B. C., Canada
John A. Algreen (3)….. The Current, Eleuthera, Bahamas
Agnes Algreen (3)…… """
Malvena Elden (3)……
Mabel Weech (3)…….
Mary Ingram……….. "" "
Alstyne Lowe……….. """
Isabelle Somerville (3)…… ……Brantford, Ont., Canada
Clara E. Holcomb (2)……………. Chin Lee, Arizona
Douglas Ferguson (3) ………….. -Cumberland, Ontario
Marie E. Holcomb ……………. …. Cornville, Arizona
Glen C. Girdner………..'…………. " "

One writes:

"I enjoy the work very much and find the different verses slipping out very often during the day for comfort, admonition or confirmation. It is only in that way one realizes their real significance."

This indicates the value of memorizing the scriptures. It is not so much that six months after we can successfully repeat an epistle with very few mistakes, perhaps none, but the fact that having studied the book we get the outline of its contents fixed in our minds; many single passages become precious, to our hearts, and may bear a special message to us at the time, or be recalled to us later by the Spirit, either to help us in time of need, or enable us to help others. This blessing is reaped by all who persevere in the effort, whether or not at the end they are able to successfully meet the conditions of recital. Thus, too, our spiritual arsenal is furnished, wherewith to meet the enemy's attack. Our Lord was a perfect example for us in this. If we must live and fight by the Word, our need of fullest possible acquaintance with it is self-evident.

Our Daily Bible Reading

In the course of our reading this month we come to a great crisis in the history of Israel, and in fact of the world. At the close of 2 Chronicles we have God's judgment upon the kingdom of Judah, the destruction of Jerusalem and the temple, with the transfer of power to Nebuchadnezzar. This constituted the commencement of " the times of the Gentiles " which will not close until David's Son, who is David's Lord, shall come and establish that everlasting kingdom and dominion spoken of by Daniel, and promised to David in Jehovah's covenant with him. During this period, God's throne is no longer at Jerusalem, the glory has departed as shown in Ezekiel, and God is spoken of as " the God of heaven," who, as the Most High, as men must learn, still " ruleth in the kingdom of men." It is our high privilege and blessing to know Him as "the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ"-in the sweet and blessed intimacy of His eternal love and purpose toward us in His Son.

The events which close 2 Chronicles are those judgments of which God had warned His people by the prophets, and the introduction of a new era in God's dealings with the world. During this period of time, the blessing of the chosen people must come by instrumentality of Gentile hands, instead of the nations being blessed through Israel. So we see when the restoration promised by Jeremiah is to be accomplished, it is Cyrus who is used to bring it about. The Gentile yoke is not removed, but God manifests His supremacy over all, able under all circumstances to fulfil His word. The hearts of all men are in His hand. Blessed assurance for faith at all times!

Ezra opens with the record of how God not only wrought in the heart of the Gentile monarch, but also in many hearts among His captive people to revive the testimony to His name and truth. All this forms a striking testimony to the immutability of the prophetic word. And in these Captivity Books, which we now begin to read, we may trace many principles which always govern in days of remnant testimony; and such are our own days, in relation to the assembly. In addition to this important transition which our reading brings before us, there are valuable lessons to learn from the history of kings. Throughout we may see that when God is given His place, blessing is assured. How constantly He witnessed to His people, by His interposition in mercy and blessing, that if they only submitted themselves to His revealed will (and to this the voice of His many prophets was ever calling them) He would be with them. Thus, while the prophets prophesied, by events and circumstances of contemporary history God gave a practical demonstration of what they said and promised in His name. But the heart of the people had grown hard, and their hearing too heavy to hear. History and prophecy ever bear a moral and spiritual relation to each other. The meaning of the former may thus be understood in the light of the latter, which however always goes far beyond the mere fact or event of history Thus, in a sense, all Scripture is prophetic; it is that to which we do well to take heed in our hearts, "as unto a lamp shining in an obscure place until the day dawn and the morning star arise," (2 Pet. 1:19, 20, N. Trans.)- its value abides to the very end.

Correspondence for the Y. B. Dept, please address to Mr. John Bloore, care of Loizeaux Brothers.