“Whoso Offereth Praise Glorifieth Me”

(Ps. 50:23.)

O blessed Saviour, Jesus, Thou
Upon the Father's throne;
Upon the cross once, long ago,
Thou didst for sin atone!

Thy love transcendeth all that man
Has ever heard or known ;
Ordained the Lamb by God's own plan
To suffer all alone.

None other could with Thee go down
Into those depths of woe ;
Thou only couldst endure God's frown
That grace to man might flow.

Thou, the forsaken One of God,
Didst suffer on the tree;
And drink that cup and bear the rod,
The chastening due to me.

Thine anguish who can ever know
Endured for sinners there ?
Oh, love that brought Thee unto woe
And grief without compare!

There, darkness hid those tears of Thine,
Tears that Love shed for me,
The wine-press trod by wrath divine
Brings joy and peace to me.

Yes, 'twas for me, condemned by sin,
Sunk down in shame, and sore;
That Thou didst suffer thus, to win
My heart to God once more.

And can it be, O Calvary,
That man, for whom He died,
Should e'en yet be the enemy
Of Christ, the Crucified ?

O blessed One, the Father's Son,
Thy ransomed worship Thee;
For Thou hast won, for us undone,
Eternal victory.

We claim Thy blood our way to God,
We trust Thy grace so free,
We long to see. Thee, blessed Lord,
And ever with Thee be.

W. H.