(John 14.)
"Let not your heart be troubled;"
What tender words of grace!
They were spoken by the Saviour
In the appointed place,
When He and His disciples
Were in that "upper room."
'Twas just before He entered
The depths of Calvary's gloom.
" Let not your heart be troubled;"
In My Father's house on high
Are bright and blissful mansions
And courts of endless joy. "
Let not your heart be troubled,"
For I am going there, That a place in fadeless glory
For you I may prepare.
" Let not your heart be troubled; "
Although I go away,
I'll come again, and take you
To those bright realms of day.
Now though our Lord is absent,
We hear these words of love,
"Let not your heart be troubled,"
Still ringing from above.
And though the night be dreary,
And long may seem His stay,
" Let not your heart be troubled,"
He'll come without delay.
" Let not your heart be troubled "
Is a balm for every wound;
Our darkest hours of sorrow
With gladness may be tuned.
The shades of night will vanish,
And every sorrow flee,
When with resplendent glory
We rise His face to see.
" Let not your heart be troubled;"
Consoling words of love!
They'll never more be needed
When with Himself above.
C. C. Crowston