“He Is Worthy”

" Able art Thou our love to win, Worthy of all our trust."

Two Christians were conversing together one day, when one said, "I do feel so unhappy sometimes because I think I am not worthy to be a Christian. I don't know if you ever feel that? " "I know I am unworthy, and always shall be unworthy, but it never makes me doubtful, or unhappy," said the other, "because I know Christ is worthy, and God looks at Him, not at me. I constantly think of the worthiness of His most precious blood, and the worthiness of Christ to God. I do not think lightly of past sins, nor of present failures; but I know that both they and sin itself have been condemned in the person of Christ on the cross, and that God looks at the believer in and through His beloved Son, who knew no sin, who was made sin for us, that we might be called the righteousness of God in Him. We died nth Christ, and now God regards, not our un-worthiness, but He ever looks at His beloved Son, and sees us complete in Him."