QUES. 10.-Where can I find the original Church which was established by Jesus Christ in the beginning? We read of that Church in the Bible; and the next we hear of the Church is the Roman Catholic, with the Pope as its head. Where is the Church with Christ alone as its head ?
ANS.-She is hid in the midst of Roman Catholic and Greek corruption, of Protestant confusion, and in and out of the innumerable sects and parties of Christendom. She is composed of every one throughout the world who has repented of his sins, who believes on the Lord Jesus Christ, and who is therefore born of God, washed from his sins by the blood of Jesus, and indwelt by the Holy Spirit. Every one of these is united to Christ and to every other member of Christ by the Spirit of Christ who dwells in him, and they thus form the Church which is Christ's body (Rom. 12; 1 Cor. 12; Eph. 5). Christ in heaven is the head of that body (Eph. 1:22, 23). It remains ever one body, and cannot be divided, because its unity is a divine work, and not left to the responsibility of man. Had not its members sinned against Christ, there would be between them the same outward, manifest unity in which it ever exists before the eye of God. But sin has broken that unity which is for the eye of man.
In present conditions (which will be ended only by the coming again of our Lord) the only remedy for God's obedient people is expressed in 2 Tim. 2:19-22. And they who obey it experience still the sweetness of our Lord's promise, "Where two or three are gathered together in My name, there am. I in the midst of them" (Matt. 18:20).
QUES. 11.-Can you help me on Eph. 2:10, and on Isa. 45:7? Neither of these passages is clear to me.
ANS.-The first refers to the new creation now being operated by the power of the Holy Spirit in connection with Christ. 2 Cor. 5:17 says as to this, "If any man be in Christ, be is a new creature," or rather, That is a new creation. This is illustrated in Adam :God created him, and placed him in the garden, to perform there what God had appointed for him. So now we are born anew -made a new creation in Christ Jesus, to practice the works which belong to that heavenly creation.
As to Isa. 45, it is a very different thing, as you may easily see by a careful reading of the subject in hand. Trodden-down Israel is before the mind of God, and He is going to raise up a man, who will be called Cyrus, a mighty king, to give them deliverance. As He, in judgment upon Israel for their sins, has brought evil upon them, and none could hinder it, so He will bring them good, and none can hinder that, when His time comes for it. He is absolutely sovereign.