QUES. 7.-Why does the Lord repeatedly tell those whom He healed not to make it known, as in Matt. 8 :4; Mark 5:43, etc. ?
ANS.-Because the time of His glory was not yet. The cross must be gone through first. He hides therefore the glory of His Person. The need of man stirs His heart, and in meeting it He cannot hide Himself; but the cross-the absolute necessity of it for the putting away of sin-is before Him, and His mind dwells in the state of humiliation which belongs to it. But blessed are they who, underneath that veil of humiliation, read His glory.
QUES. 8.-What-is meant in 1 Cor. 7 :14 by "The unbelieving husband is sanctified by the wife, and the unbelieving wife is sanctified by the husband"? A neighbor of mine says that to be sanctified means to be free from all indwelling sin. Surely this cannot be so. for an " unbeliever" cannot be free from indwelling sin, and he 01 she is said here to be sanctified by the believer. Kindly explain.
ANS.-Your reason concerning what "sanctified" cannot be is very true and right. Now as to what it is, as briefly as we can :Our Lord says in John 17 :19, " For their sakes I sanctify Myself." As to His person, the Lord could never be more holy at one time than at another, for "in Him is no sin." He alludes here to the place where He was going-a place before God, in separation from all the world, lie went there in that place to carry our hearts with Him, and thus separate us too from the world.
The believer is 'thus a "sanctified," or separated, person-separated to God from the world which is going to judgment. The household being an institution of God, formed by marriage, which was ordained of God for that purpose, God identifies the unbelieving husband or wife with the believer, so that the household, because of the believer, becomes a Christian household-a little circle in this world for God, different from all other households in the would, and where Christian truth is held and taught, as well as Christ's claims acknowledged and obeyed. In other words, it is a little kingdom where Christ's rule is respected and enforced. Of course it does not secure the eternal salvation of any one in the household. For this each one must lay bold of Christ Cor himself or herself, but it brings the unspeakable privilege of having Christ constantly ministered there. We believe that by far the greater number of those in heaven will be there through the instrumentality of household teaching, praying, and praising. Multitudes of cases of conversion through the labor of evangelists are but the reaping from the seed sown in the Christian household.
Oh, the awful guilt and loss of Christians who give up the family worship, the daily consecutive reading of the Scriptures from Genesis to Revelation, with its prayer and praise ! Precious and effective as a truly Christian Sunday-school is-and we can bear abundant witness to its fruitfulness-nothing can make up for the loss of household instruction. May grace revive it where it may have fallen.
QUES. 9.-Does the resurrection of dry bones in Ezek. 37 refer to a literal resurrection of the Hebrews in the future, or is it a vision showing that right will ultimately triumph? Will the Church spend eternity in heaven, and the resurrected Israelites who are saved be here on the earth ? A professor in the college has been giving us his views on these subjects, but I would like to know yours.
ANS.-No. All who pass through death, whether they have been believing Jews or believing Gentiles, belong to heaven (Heb. 11:9, 10, 16). Nor is it a vision of the triumph of right. Verses 11 to 14 plainly show that the vision refers to the restoration to nationality of the then living people of Israel. Their "graves" are the various countries where they are scattered, contrasted, as verse 12 shows, with " the land of Israel" into which they will be brought again. The New Jerusalem, the city of heaven, will evidently, from the whole testimony of Scripture, be the eternal abode, not only of the Church, but of all the redeemed before the close of the first resurrection. After that, the earth (utterly renewed at the end of the thousand years of Christ's reign over it) is the habitation of those who have proved true during that reign.
"Plain Papers on Prophetic Subjects," by far the best work we know on these matters, would give you much of the light you seek. Published by Loizeaux Bios., at $1.25, post-paid.