Sunday-school Visitor Lessons For 1921

In presenting this outline of proposed lessons in the S. S. Visitor for the coming year, it may not be amiss to give an outline as to the parts of scripture which are to be before us.

Our lessons last year brought out the truth of Christ as King, and the character of His kingdom ; then we studied concerning Him as the Great Priest, and the precious truths connected with Him in that place, finally getting many suggestions as to His Person and work from Genesis, and other portions of the Word considered in our closing lessons.

With the New Year we take up the last half of Matthew, in which we have, very largely, the path of discipleship as connected with the Lord's rejection. Then we have some intimation as to the Assembly, His great prophetic discourse, and finally the account of the Cross and the Resurrection.

This is to be followed with studies in Exodus. The beautiful types of this book will occupy us with our blessed Lord as the Redeemer, Deliverer, and Head of His people, and their relation to Him. In these pages we shall find the person of the Redeemer, the redemption effected by Him, and the unity of the redeemed in their relation to God, and much correlated truth, of which Christ is the great object.

Then we go on to the Thessalonian Epistles, in which we see the precious freshness of first love in the newly established assembly, and the reality of what Christian testimony should be. This we find connected in a variety of ways with the blessed hope of the Lord's second coming, which is mentioned in every chapter of the first epistle, and has also a prominent place in the second.

The year's study closes with doctrinal subjects of fundamental import.

As we pursue our lessons may a prayerful, dependent spirit mark us, counting upon God to open up His Word, and give us of its wonderful treasures.

"Open Thou mine eyes, that I may behold wondrous out things of thy law."