
" I think a Christian can go anywhere," said a lady to another in my hearing.

" Certainly," rejoined her friend. "But it reminds me of an incident that happened last summer. A party of friends went with me to explore a coal mine. One of the young women appeared dressed in a dainty white gown. When her friends remonstrated with her she appealed to the old miner who was to act as guide to the party.

" Can't I wear a white dress down into the mine? " she asked petulantly.

" Yes'm," returned the old man. " There's nothin' to keep you from wearin' a white frock in goin' down ; but there won't be much white in comin' back."

Well said, old miner. Well done, young Christian, if you go not in any place where you cannot have the approbation of your Saviour "who suffered for us, leaving us an example, that ye should follow His steps " (1 Pet. 2 :21).