QUES. 14.-In Mark 13th chapter, speaking of those things which are to precede His appearing, our Lord Jesus says, " But of that day and that hour knoweth no man; no, not the angels which are in heaven, neither the Son, but the Father" (ver. 32). Is there something that the Father has hidden from the Son ? How is it that Christ did not know the hour and the day of His coming again? Matt. 11:27; Jno. 13:3; 17:10 seem to speak differently. Will you explain in Help and Food.
ANS.-The Gospel of Mark records preeminently the life of our Lord here as God's Servant, in absolute obedience to do and say all and only what it was the Father's good pleasure to have Him do and say. The time had not come for the revelation of the Father's purpose as to sending back His beloved Son to put the enemies under His feet and to take the kingdom ; as God's Servant, therefore, He knew nothing of that. Throughout this chapter our Lord reveals the conditions and events that are to precede the time of His appearing at the Second Coming-these things the Father would make known for our instruction and the world's warning ; but the time of the Son's return, it was not the Father's mind to reveal; therefore His beloved Servant wills to know nothing as to it. Oh depth of love's obedience-who can fathom or know it but God Himself !
We know that our Lord said, "I and the Father are one " (Jno. 10:30); we know He is "the true God and eternal life" (1 Jno. 5 :20); we know He is the Living Word, a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart" before whom nothing is hid (Heb. 4 :12, 13), but the mystery of His Person in humanity and obedience as well as in deity and sovereignty-how little we are able to enter into!
"The higher mysteries of thy fame
The creature's grasp transcend :
The Father only Thy blest name
Of Son can comprehend.
Worthy, O Lamb of God, art Thou
That every knee to Thee should bow."
ERRATUM, page 170 (July Help and Food), 6th line from bottom:'The infidel restored," should read "retorted."