Is there on earth a deeper love
Than His who came down from above ?
A love that saved my soul from hell
Is deeper far than words can tell !
Is there a peace that earth could give,
Which could surpass the peace I have ?
Nay! mine's a peace divinely given;
He is my peace-my Lord in heaven.
Is it through aught that I have done,
I've earned a home beyond the sun ?
Nay! through no righteousness of mine,
But through God's love, supreme, divine.
White though the snows of winter drear,
Radiant the gleam of crystal clear,
A robe that's whiter still than they
Shall be my garb in realms of day.
Soon will my blessed Saviour come,
And take me to that blessed home,
Higher than eagle's wing can soar,
Where pain and death are seen no more.
G. H. Fraser