We may put into several classes the general objects of our Department, each of which will be enlarged upon in due course.
1. To establish souls in the gospel.
All Christians, if in communion with God, enjoy the gospel. Many young believers need fuller establishment in that grace of which they have so recently tasted. We must therefore have space for Bible outlines of gospel subjects, illustrations from the Scriptures, and true narratives of conversions, etc.
2.To stimulate study.
We are not all students, in a special sense, but we all need to study our Bibles. We shall hope therefore to have helpful suggestions as to methods of study, together with general and special outlines of topics and individual books.
3. To meet difficulties.
Young Christians, and old ones too, have their difficulties and perplexities. It is hoped that some of these may be met in this Department. Doctrinal difficulties, questions of conscience, general discouragement, and "hard texts" will all come in fora word from time to time.
4. To stir up to service.
We need to keep awake as to our service. Perhaps our young people feel the need for counsel and encouragement in this more than in almost any other direction. And how service is waiting for us! Not to speak of regular attendance at the usual meetings- -the Prayer meeting, the Bible Reading, and others- there is visiting, testifying for the Lord, tract distribution, Sunday-school work, and so many other lines of service for all classes. How glad we all shall be if true service of love shall be, in this way, increased.
5.The social side.
Young folks are usually sociable; and here is, at once, one of their great blessings and greatest dangers. So many have been helped by the right hand of friendship, and so many lives have been blighted by the wrong kind. Do you wonder that we shall want to tell about these things ? And this must not be in a mere negative way of warning and "don't," but in suggesting what is good and helpful and wholesome.
6. The earth-side.
And then there is the whole side of our earthly duties, business, trade, choosing a calling, and acting in it in a way that will please the Lord.
These then are some of the objects of our little Department. Dear young friends, how the heart goes out to you as one thinks of these and other ways of saying a helpful word to you. May the Lord grant abundant blessing in it all!
Just at the close, I want to speak of something very definite on which you can start to-day, if it does not interfere with arrangements already made. It is the daily reading of a chapter in the Bible. Some time, nearly two years ago, some of us began to read the Bible through, at the rate of a chapter a day. We began at Genesis, and have at this date, April 29th, reached the 9th chapter of Ecclesiastes. You can easily calculate what chapter we are reading when you get this. On May 11th we expect to begin the Book of Isaiah. If you have no regular place of reading, will you not join us in this ?
Correspondence for this Department can be sent to Mr. S. Ridout, care of the Publishers.