QUES. 3.-In the last verse of Exodus, chap.- 31, it says that the tables given to Moses were written with the finger of God; and Exod. 34 :1 seems to give the same thought; hut verse 28 of the same chapter seems to say that Motes wrote the ten commandments. What is the explanation ?
ANS.-Exodus 32 :16 positively says that " the tables were the work of God, and the writing was the writing of God, graven upon the tables." The pronoun "he" therefore in chap. 34 :28 (latter part of the verse) applies to God, not to Moses.
Note that verses 11 to 26 give various directions (based upon the law) to be pressed upon the people:they were to be wholly separate from the Canaanites, their worship and their gods, and were therefore not to intermarry ; for, by redemption, Israel was God's people, and they were to acknowledge Him in all their assemblies, their worship, and in the fruit of their land. Those things Moses was to write (ver. 27)-not merely tell them-but write them. The subject ends, in verse 28, by a reiteration that the law, the ten commandments, were the very words of God.
Ques. 4.-Luke 10 :9 says :"Heal the sick that are therein, and say unto them, The kingdom of God is come nigh unto you." Is it a command to the believer now ? If not, why ?
Ans.-No, not to us now. We are not of the seventy, nor of the twelve whom the Lord sent before His face into every city and place where He Himself would come. Bead the whole connection -verses 1 to 11 ; you will see they were to take "neither purse, nor scrip, nor shoes ; and to salute no man by the way." They were sent as the messengers of the King who was coming after them, and His power was entrusted to them, that the people might see they were indeed the forerunners of the King. This is more clearly shown in Matt, chap. 10. These messengers of the King were not to go to the Gentiles, but only "to the lost sheep of the house of Israel" (vers. 5, 6). But the King was rejected by Israel, and His servants persecuted.
Be careful never to take one verse out of its connections, otherwise it is misunderstood or misapplied.