. . . How many fathers, and mothers too-unwittingly, perhaps, but really-hold their children back from the high honor of giving themselves up wholly to Christ's service ! Their poor human hearts cling to them, and they feel they cannot let them go ; and in their short-sighted love, while ready to sacrifice themselves, they are not willing that their children should forego ease and home comforts, worldly position and advancement. They want them to have these things, and Christ too. Oh, when shall we learn that sacrifice is the spirit of Christianity-that it is our precious privilege? "He spared not His own Son." " God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son." If parents so love that they can give their children when the Master says, " I have need of them," He who knows what the word sacrifice means, will accept the offering at their hand; and they have His promise that He will repay then "an hundredfold."