Some Day!

The door of the cage will be opened some day,
And the bird will fly upward, away, away-
Away to its freedom in sunshine and air,
Where its plumage will glisten so wondrously fair;
And it will forget, in the day of its flight,
The time of its loneliness, bondage and night.

The summons will come for the Christian some day,
And he will soar upward, away, away-
Away to his home in the heavenly land,
To join all the ransomed, the glorified band;
To be like the Saviour, and no more alone,
To bask in the radiance that streams from the throne.

Then patience, sad heart; 'mid thy sorrow and tears,
Look on to the future and silence thy fears.
Thy Saviour is waiting, and some blessed day
He will say, " 'Tis enough, come, My loved one, away :
I've gone to prepare thee a mansion above-
Come, enter thou into it, child of my love."

A. E. R.