
Idolatry or Worship

Some worship the "saints," and bones of saints that have passed away. Some worship the nails that pierced His hands, and some the cross on which He was crucified. But we worship HIM who was nailed to the cross and died there for our sins, who is risen from the dead, has ascended to heaven, and sits on the throne of God. "And unto them that look for HIM shall He appear the second time," no more to suffer for sin, but " unto salvation."

" To HIM who loves us
And has washed us from our sins in His blood,
And hath made us a kingdom,
Priests to His God and Father,
To HIM be the glory and the might
Unto the ages of ages. Amen."

A Man in Christ

Who is he ? You, dear fellow-Christian; you who have fled to Jesus for refuge from the avenger; you who have believed to the saving of your soul; you who "have been washed, have been sanctified in the name of the Lord Jesus, and by the Spirit of our God." We were in fallen Adam, "in the flesh" and all its ruin; by natural birth constituted sinners. Now, by new birth, " in the Spirit" – constituted righteous in our new Head, "in Christ" before God. Instead of the "filthy rags" of our ruined condition, He has clothed us with "the best robe" of His own providing-Christ, who is made unto us "righteousness, sanctification and redemption." "In Christ" -brought to God and blessed with all spiritual blessings in the heavenlies !

"What raised the wondrous thought,
Or who did it suggest?
That we, the Church, to glory brought,
Should with the Son be blest!

" O God, the thought was Thine!-
Thine only it could be-
Fruit of the wisdom, love divine,
Peculiar unto Thee!"