The Key


The mystery of discipline
Oft strange indeed might seem,
Yea, to our foolish reasoning,
Like some distorted dream,
Except for Christ, the wondrous Key
Which can unlock all mystery.

This Key will open every door
That seemeth closed to thee,
And clear the mists that often cloud
Thine eyes all tearfully.
Just use it, child of God, and see
How well it fits-how perfectly!

Without it thou wert like a ship
Adrift upon the sea;
But with it (Christ in everything),
Calm shall thy passage be
Through all the things which day by day
Thou'lt meet on life's mysterious way.

It locks the .door that leads to sin,
To Satan and to shame,
But opes the door to joy and peace,
For those who love His Name.
Oh, wear it, Christian, on thy heart,
Nor ever let this Key depart.

The testings which recur each day,
The trying little things-
Too small to speak of oftentimes,
And yet they have their stings-
Take all to Christ, and thou shalt prove
His strength, His wisdom, and His love.

So shall the discipline of life
Thy life's sweet lesson be,
Teaching thee more of His great mind
And heart, concerning thee.
Press on, although the task seem long,
It endeth with the victor's song!

H. McD.