Extract Of A Letter From The Theater Of War

"The days are deeply sad, and yet the Lord is stretching out His hand to bless. We hear of not a few conversions among the men at the front. A touching incident has just been made known to me:An officer had just called out five men for scout duty of a most perilous kind. One of the men drew near weeping and said, ' Captain, could I not be spared? I am not ready to die.' Another, who had not been chosen, stepped up and said, 'Captain, let me take his place. I am. ready. I know the Saviour. I have a wife and two children, but I know the Lord will take care of them if I return not.' So he went, and did not return. His devoted-ness, even to death, and faithful testimony, however, was' used of God for the conversion of the officer and of the men who escaped death and returned. This account comes from the officer himself in his letter to the young widow apprising her of her loss."