“Even So, Come, Lord Jesus”

He comes! He comes! the Bridegroom comes
To take His ransomed Bride.
She will not here much longer roam
Away from Him, away from home.
He wants her by His side;
She too is longing for that hour
When He shall exercise His power-
With Him be glorified.

He comes! He comes! Messiah comes
To gather Israel's race;
He'll bring them forth from every land
And plant them by His mighty hand
In their appointed place.
Then o'er Judea's hills shall ring
The praises of their glorious King
For His restoring grace.

He comes! He comes! earth's rightful Lord,
To hush creation's groan;
He'll take away its thorns and woes,
It's wastes shall blossom like the rose;
He'll claim it for His own.
All distant isles His praise shall sing,
Redeemed creation homage bring
And bow before His throne.

Then come and sway Thy scepter Lord,
And reign from zone to zone;
Thy saints and angels long to see
The crowns of glory worn by Thee,
And Satan overthrown.
Lord, hasten on that promised day
When evil shall be put away,
And Thou upon Thy throne.

C. C. Crowston