The Light Of The Glory Of God In The Face Of Jesus Christ

What will Thy glory be, O glorious Lord-
When Thou shalt light all heaven,
As saith Thy Word!
When there shall be no night
Nor need of any light Not e'en the glorious sun
We cannot look upon,
But Thou, the blessed Source,
To light the universe.
"The Lamb shall be
The light! " Oh wondrous truth-
Whom we shall see.

What thought of sin could live
In such a light-
Or sickness, pain, or grief,
Or aught of blight ?
No, these have had their sway,
And man has had his way,
But Thou, the Lamb, at last
Shalt banish all the past
Of sin and night,
By just the glorious grace
Of God's own light.

The brightest light of earth
We seem to see,
Is but as twilight gleam
To what shall be.
Yea, earth's most glorious day
Is but a feeble ray.
The glory of Thy face Shall once for all efface
All sin, and death, and night;
Thou only art the Light,
And we shall see
The glory of that light,

O blessed Lord, we long
To be like Thee! Then only shall we learn
Thy majesty,
Thy glory as Thy love,
When with Thee, Lord, above;
And that eternally.
Oh glorious mystery!
Thou art infinite indeed,
And we, the finite, plead
That wondrous grace,
The glory of God's light
In Jesus' face.

What will Thy glory be!
We cannot tell:'Tis past all mortal ken,
We know full well.
We cannot follow Thee
In Thy humility, And anguish on the cross
Once suffered there for us.
We cannot penetrate,
Nor yet the darkness break
Thou didst endure
That our redemption, Lord,
Might be made sure.

We could not fathom, Lord,
That deep, dark pit;
It strikes the soul with awe
To think of it.
Nor yet with mortal sight
Can we Thy glory's height
Ascend, but we can say,
Thou'st traveled all this way:
From glory's highest height
To depths of darkest night,
To glorify
God's name, and save our souls,

Then what a hope is ours
Midst toil and strife.
What blessedness to look
Beyond this life,
From Thy humility
To that most glorious day
When we shall see Thee crowned,
And by all creatures owned;
And know the depth, the height,
Of darkness and of light,
And look upon
The glory of Thy face,
Th' exalted One!
This world is hastening on
To meet its doom.
Soon we shall wait no more
For Thee to come.
Then from our shackles free
We shall ascend with Thee
And in Thy likeness shine,
Alone by grace divine,
And evermore behold
The glory " not half told."
We ask no more
Than thus to feast our souls
For evermore.

H. McD.