QUES. 28.-It is taught by some that Luke 6 :29, 30, and like scriptures, are Kingdom truths, and not for the saints of the present time. Is this right ?
ANS.-No, not at all. "Kingdom truths " are for, all who are born of God, inasmuch as none can be real subjects of that kingdom except they be born again (John 3 :3, 5). Because the kingdom has a future aspect, which cannot be till the King returns from heaven, some fail to see that it has a present aspect, just as real as the future, and that a true Christian is as truly a subject of this Kingdom as a son in the family of God, or a member of the body of Christ. The establishment of the Church did not annul the kingdom in its present form. One relationship does not destroy another, nor annul its responsibilities. Paul preached, not only the gospel for the salvation of men, hut "the kingdom of God" (Acts 28:31), that is, whatever is due to God among men. – If God "hath delivered us from the power of darkness and hath translated us into the kingdom of His dear Son " (Col. 1 :13), it becomes us to conduct ourselves according to the character and principles of that kingdom.
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