Answers To Correspondents

QUES. 1.-I was recently asked whether Christians are under obligations to give a tenth of their income to the work of the Lord. An answer in help and food might be of use to others "besides my questioner.

ANS.-If we were Jews, and as such under the law, we would be under such obligations; but if believers in Christ, we are Christians, and as such, not under the law but under grace (Rom. 6 :14). The Christian is not governed by the law as was the Jew. The Spirit of Christ dwells in him, and he is ruled by the Spirit (Gal., chaps. 3 and 4). Law treats those who ate under it purely as subjects; grace treats them as sons, because it has made them sons (Gal. 4:6).

These great and fundamental distinctions lie on the very surface of Scripture, yet they are being lost by Christians through the neglect of the Scriptures. Law produces no change in man, but leaves him in his natural state. Grace, in converting a man, gives him eternal life, whose nature is love. It therefore trusts him, as law could not, for the fulfilment of his duties. The legal system and spirit soon have control, however, when unconverted men can establish themselves in a Christian congregation. Being strangers to grace, they can understand only law ;and this, no doubt, is largely at the root of the present prevailing Jewish condition of Christendom, and of the success of such anti-Christian sects as rise up on all sides.