“It Was Different Then”

I can hear anything said about Mary now without caring; it was different then." The words were uttered carelessly to me recently by a young woman concerning a mutual Christian friend. At once the thought forced itself upon me:- There, that expresses what characterizes many Christians today toward their Saviour. They remember former days, when the name of Jesus was most sacred to them; when a word spoken against Him hurt them, and they must defend Him whom their soul loved. The rays of sunshine from His blessed face had flooded their souls and first love burned there. In ecstacy of heart they had cried, "My Lord and my God." They had answered with Simon Peter, "Lord, to whom shall we go? Thou hast the words of eternal life. And we believe and are sure that Thou art that Christ, the Son of the living God."

Now they can hear any thing said about Him without being hurt. It was different then. Indeed it was! And what has made the difference ? At first, perhaps, the love of this world. It dimmed the vision. Then entertaining frivolous friends. Their light talk about holy things dulled your hearing, so that now no matter what is said it hurts you no more. If you have not gone quite so far, you cannot defend Him as once you did. You have become indifferent.

O beloved one, rouse up from such a sleeping state. Make no new promises, but confess humbly your low, wretched state, and the Lord, your dearest Friend, will wash you clean and revive in you the power to be His witness. Time is too short to waste it. Eternity is too long to lose its rewards.