Guilty and helpless, in sins we lay dead,
By Satan in slavish captivity led ;
Freed by the ransom our Saviour did pay,
Now do we live by Him day after day.
Purchased and pardoned, redeemed by His blood,
Washed and made clean in that sin-cleansing flood,
Trusting His guidance – our steps in His way,
Thus shall we live for Him day after day.
Ofttimes we wander:the pathway we lose;
Stumbling, we fall, and the erring way choose;
Yet Jesus loves us, and prove Him we may,
As we turn back to Him day after day.
Worries and troubles may pile mountain-high,
Cares and afflictions surrounding us nigh;
Still let us trust Him, and cheerfully say,
" I shall be led by Him day after day."
Only one day at a time let us live:
Grace for the morrow He surely will give ;
Then, when we come to it, prayerfully say,
" Help me to live with Thee just through this day."
Thus shall we gladden the One we adore,
Leaning upon His right arm evermore;
Thankfully, joyfully, trustfully say,
" I can live unto Him just for to-day."
Soon the redeemed unto glory shall come,
Pilgrims from every land gathering home;
Thronging around Him, and singing His praise,
We shall be like Him throughout endless days.