Answers To Correspondents

ques. 42. – In 2d Peter, 3d chapter, 12th verse, would you think that believers, by pointing sinners to Christ, giving out gospel tracts, preaching and living Christ, praying that God may bless His servants everywhere to the saving of souls, have to do with the "hastening of the coming of the day of God," as I believe the true reading is? Of course, I can understand "looking for," for all true believers have "turned to God from idols, to serve the living and true God, and to wait for His Son from heaven." But can we, by furthering the gospel, that the last one may be gathered in, hasten that day? It would seem so; yet I would be careful about taking such a stand, so would like a word from an older one in the truth.

ANS. – All that you say is most assuredly the true and right Christian mind and practice, and we would earnestly encourage and cultivate it in all. We do not think, however, that it is the thought of the passage. The hastening of the coming of the day of God is in desire, not in time. He has just been saying that all this scene through which we are moving, the heavens which, sur-round the earth, the earth and all the works of man which are upon it, shall be burnt up, and shall melt away with fervent heat; that God's lingering patience meanwhile is for the sake of men, to give them still time for repentance ; that out of all this fearful judgment "new heavens and a new earth, wherein dwelleth righteousness," will come forth. This should produce a longing desire in the people of God, for do they not desire righteousness ? Do they not mourn in a scene so full of unrighteousness? Are they not sufferers with a suffering, groaning creation? Their hearts long for and would hasten the coming of the day of God, whose issues alone can satisfy them.