“Like Him”

" We shall be like Him ; for we shall see Him as He is " (1 Jno. 3:2).

And shall I be like Him?
I, who, until He washed me
From all my scarlet sins,
In His most precious blood, and cleansed
Me from my guilt,
Lay in the dunghill, contented there,
Nor knew but that I sat among the princes-
I, who from my youth went e'er astray,
Nor deemed that the path I trod
Would lead to aught but good:
I, who in that Light that lighteth every man
Was darkness only; blind, who thought I saw.
My robes like His that suffered never stain,
But, as in the holy mount, effulgent shone
Whenever His will so willed ?
Mine were rags, and filthy rags:
I deemed them gorgeous robes,
Nor thought but that they covered me

From every eye, nor knew
That darkness was to Him as light,
Nor thought that I was wretched, poor, and blind.
Like Him ? the Christ of God, God's darling One,
Who ever did His will, nor thought to grieve Him,
But in His paths took infinite delight!
Like Him? whom angels praise,
The Conqueror of death and hell!
Oh wondrous thought! nor thought alone
That wastes its strength in vain desire,
But certainty divine, the truth of God!
I shall be like Him :ever like Him :
No more to grieve nor slow to learn
The lessons of His grace and love:
To seek for beauty but in Him :
Nor love but His.
I shall be like Him :
For I shall see Him as He is.
O blessed, wondrous Lord! one sight of Thee
Shall make me as Thou art
Forevermore:such the glory and the power
Of Thy great Being and Thy love !