“The Glories Of Mary”

As it is becoming a fashion with some Protestants to court the Romish Church, we here give some extracts from the Roman Catholic book of devotion bearing the above title. The said book bears the sanction of John, Archbishop of New York, and is published by the Excelsior Catholic Publication Company, New York City:

1. "It is the will of God that all graces should come to us by the hand of Mary." Page 3.

2. "To honor the Queen of Angels is to gain eternal life." Page 6.

3. " All who are saved are saved only by means of this divine Mother." Page 8.

4. "As many creatures as there are who serve God, so many there are who serve Mary; for to thee (Mary) belong dominion and power over all creatures." Page 12.

5. "The Eternal Father gave the office of Judge and Avenger to the Son, and that of showing mercy and relieving necessities to the Mother." Page 14.

6. "We believe that she opens the abyss of the mercy of God to whomsoever she wills, when she wills, and as she wills; so that there is no sinner, however great, who is lost if Mary protects him." Page 16.

7. "Let us fly to thy feet, and always fly to the feet of this most sweet Queen, if we would be certain of salvation." Page 10.

8. "We can say of Mary that she has so loved us as to give her only-begotten Son for us when she granted Him permission to deliver Himself up to death." Page 34.

9. "Thou hast all power to change hearts:take mine, and change it." Page 43.

10. " My only hope, Mary, behold at thy feet a miserable sinner. Thou art proclaimed and called by the whole Church, and by all the faithful, the refuge of sinners ; thou hast power to save me." Page 60.

11. "He falls and is lost who has not recourse to Mary." Page 67.

12. "God has placed the whole price of redemption in the hands of Mary, that she may dispense it at will. Thou, O Mary, art the propitiatory of the whole world." Page 85.

13."Thou art the only advocate of sinners."Page 95

14. "But now, if God is angry with a sinner, and Mary takes him under her protection, she withholds the avenging arm of her Son, and saves him." Page 98.

15."The only hope of sinners."Page 102.
16. "I worship thy holy heart; through thee do I hope for salvation." Page 105.

17. "Often we shall be heard more quickly, and be thus preserved, if we have recourse to Mary, and call on the name of Jesus our Saviour." Page 112.

18."Many things are asked from God, and are not granted:they are asked from Mary, and are obtained. And how is this ? It is because God has thus decreed to honor His Mother." Page 113.

19. "'To thee does it belong,' says St. Bonaventure, ' to save whomsoever thou wiliest to be saved.' O, then, help me, my Queen ! my Queen, save me ! O, salvation of those who call upon thee, do thou save me ! " Page 116.

20. " In vain shall we seek Jesus unless we endeavor to find Him with Mary." Page 138.

21. "Mary cooperated in the salvation of man." Page 141.

22. " Mary was made the mediatress of our salvation." Page 128.

23. "The way of salvation is open to none otherwise than through Mary. No one is saved but through thee. Page 143.

24. " Our salvation is in the hands of Mary; he who is protected by Mary will be saved; he who is not, will be lost; our salvation depends on thee." Page 144.

25. "There is no one, O most holy Mary, who can know God but through thee." Page 145.

26."She is the whole ground of my hope."Page 175.

27. " Mary is the whole hope of our salvation." Page 148.

28. " All power is given to thee in heaven and on earth, and nothing is impossible to thee." Page 154.

29. " By right she possesses the kingdom of her Son." Page 214.

30. "It is impossible for any sinner to be saved without the help and favor of the most blessed Virgin." Page 197.

31. "Thou art omnipotent to save sinners." Page 251.

32. " She effected our salvation in common with Christ." Page 293.

33. "We are all God's debtors, but He is a debtor to thee" (Mary). Page 252.

34. " There is no one saved but by thee ; no one who receives a gift of God but through thee." Page 354.
35. "Moreover, as she is the universal advocate of all men, it is becoming that all who are saved should obtain salvation by her means." Page 570.

36." Our salvation is in her hands."Page 576.

37. "At the command of Mary all obey, even God." Page 155.