“We Shall See Him As He Is”

(1 John 3:2.)

Speaking of the time when the Lord shall appear to introduce that grand era, called the Millennium, the prophet says to Israel:"Thine eyes shall see the King in His beauty" (Isa. 33:17). But to us the Spirit's testimony through the apostle is, "We shall see Him as He is."He is now in heaven, the First-born among many brethren; He is also the Head of the body-the Church:He fills the place of Intercessor as our Great High Priest, robed with garments of glory and beauty. The names of all His people are borne upon His heart and upon His shoulders-He represents them before the Father continually according to His worthiness. As He appears then in heavenly glory upon the Father's throne, He is clothed with human and official glories; and far beyond these is His divine, eternal glory which He had before the world was ( John 17:5). In the midst of all these, "we shall see Him as He is." What will it be, oh beloved redeemed ones, to see, to gaze upon the face of Jesus thus!-glories both human and divine, far, far, beyond what the Queen of Sheba saw when she beheld Solomon in all his glory, "and there was no more spirit in her." She saw but a type of the greater than Solomon which our eyes shall behold. As we gaze upon Him then we shall be able better and in a fuller way to understand the grace that brought Him from heaven to earth to die upon the cross for us, and shall praise Him as we would.

And even after all the present blessedness into which the Holy Scriptures now lead us, in the power of the Holy Spirit (2 Cor. 3:18; Heb. 2:9), yet each of us, as we see Him, will doubtless exclaim as did the Queen of old, "And, behold, the half was not told me," for His divine, heavenly, eternal glories will assuredly surpass and excel our highest thought and expectation. A. E. B.