Editor’s Notes

"Without holiness no man shall see the Lord."Heb. 12:14.

This is Christian character. It is not by character that we become Christians, as all who know the truth know, but there is no true Christian without a Christian character. There is no true Christian who does not hate evil and love good; who has not ceased from evil to practice good. This is holiness, and without this none is a true Christian, and none shall see the Lord.

"There is one body." Eph. 4:4.

This is the statement of Scripture. Just as it says '' There is one God," so it says, "There is one body." As we cannot therefore acknowledge more than one God, no more can we acknowledge more than one body- " the Church which is His (Christ's) body." A man who acknowledges more than one God is false to the true One, so a man who acknowledges more than one body is false to the true one.

Evil doctrines and evil practice have divided God's people greatly, but this does not change the abiding truth that "there is one body," any more than the many gods of the heathen can change the truth that "there is one God."

We cannot again bring the great and many pieces of Christendom together without enclosing with them a vast number of ungodly people as well as dire iniquity with which Christ, who is holy and true, cannot identify Himself.

We could not even bring together all the true members of the body of Christ-the people who have been washed from their sins by the blood of Christ-without enclosing many evil doctrines and ways with which Christ could not walk, for alas, how many of His own are entangled in evil!

When, then, shall we see with our eyes that one body in its divine oneness? When Christ comes again in glory. Then every child of God will, at the judgment-seat of Christ, have judged with the judgment of God everything in all his ways which grieved the Spirit in his life down here, and hindered the manifestation of the oneness of the body of Christ. Let all who know that oneness, and who love it, see well to their own ways, that they be no hindrance to its manifestation; and though they cannot restore it, the Lord will not fail "in that day" to credit them for what they have done toward it.