A New Beginning.

Natural birth in the land of Egypt gave Israel their first beginning, their introduction into a land of sin, idolatry, and slavery, as it gives us our entrance into a world of slavery to sin and Satan, with death for its end, and judgment following.

God was about to rise up and execute judgment upon Egypt because of their sins and the necessity of maintaining the righteousness of His throne, established in the heavens. He gives us also to know and proclaim that " He has appointed a day in the which He will judge the world in righteousness" (Acts 17:31).

But grace had devised and provided a way of escape from the impending judgment:a lamb was provided for each house; and this marked out a new epoch, a new beginning, in their history. That lamb was sacrificed for their sins, and this cleared them from the judgment of God.

To us that lamb is Christ-the Lamb of God. John the Baptist first pointed Him out, saying, "Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world" (John i :29). The world knew Him not. His earthly people received Him not; "but as many as received Him, to them gave He power to become the sons of God" (John i:12). This is our new beginning, that of the new covenant, which has no ending. This new beginning is called new birth in the New Testament. It is a new life- eternal life-imparted to every individual who receives Christ. Its nature is divine, and it introduces its possessor into a new creation, over which Christ is head. Here old things are passed away, and all things are become new (2 Cor. 5:17, 18).

What a change takes place in Israel's history from the time of this new beginning-a history with God now – redeemed by Him, and separated to Him! They were but types:with us is the reality. Their lamb was but a shadow :Christ is the substance. Their salvation was but temporal and national:ours is eternal and individual.

The reception of Christ crucified puts us into association with Christ glorified, and we are marked
off and destined to dwell with Him in heavenly glory forever. In this we learn somewhat of "the riches of His grace," and "the riches of His glory."

May each reader delight in the grace and reap the blessings that are attached to this new beginning!
A. E. B.