A Correction.

My attention having been called to the fact that a wrong construction might be put upon an expression used in my little book on "THE MYSTERIES OF GOD," I desire to correct it. On page 67, beginning at line 22,! have written, "The wasted, worn Sufferer on the cross is the One who laid the foundation of the earth, etc."In so writing, I, of course, referred to the outward effects of the physical sufferings of the Lord, in connection with the scourging, the crown of thorns, the agony in the garden, etc. all of which led to the result predicted by the prophet,"His visage was so marred more than any man, and His form more than the sons of men." But understanding that some might gather from my use of the words "wasted" and "worn," the suggestion of inherent decay in that precious prepared body (which I quite refuse), I wish to alter the sentence to read, "The bleeding, anguished Sufferer, etc," which is, I think, incapable of being misunderstood. I will be glad if those possessing copies of my book will make the alteration; and, should a second edition ever be called for, the correction will be made in the plate. H. A. Ironside