Wing Of A Dove.

O holy wings that brought Thee down
Upon that blessed One!
On Him whom God the Father sealed-
His Own beloved Son.

O blessed wings, with tidings glad,
That brought Thee from above-
A heavenly guest of this clay house,
To minister Christ's love.

O silvered wings that brought to me
Redemption's story sweet!
That brought me all my Savior's love,
And laid me at His feet.

O glorious wings that shed Thy light
Upon sad Calvary!
And showed me that the shadow-side
Was not the side for me.

O wings of light that scattered night,
And brought me endless day ;
O wings that brought me heavenly peace-
Drove all my fears away.

Eternal wings, that evermore
In holy ministry
Will bring the blessed things of Christ,
And shew them unto me.

O Holy Spirit, heavenly Dove!
Me Thou wilt never leave;
Teach me to walk with Christ my Lord,
That Thee I may not grieve.

H. McD.