“Peace Unto You”

(John 20 :19.)

What a suited, solid word for trembling, fearful hearts! A word coming from the lips of the blessed Son of God, who has been down into death, and under the judgment of God against sin, but who now, being risen, is triumphant on the other side of death. He imparts to His own who believe in Him the virtue of His victory over Satan, death, judgment, and the grave. He introduces them into a new order of things-into a new sphere (John 20:19); brings them into complete oneness with Himself in resurrection in every way, making them to be sharers in all that He is brought into Himself (chap. 17).

While the precious blood of Christ is the basis and foundation of the believer's peace and joy, God would not that we should stop short of resurrection-life being known as a blessed reality, and as a divine fact in the soul. Christ having made peace by the blood of His cross (Col. i:20), God directs us to that cross as the ground of our peace, that cross where all our responsibilities as sinners were met, and where every claim that a holy and righteous God had against us was satisfied. Faith owns and accepts this; and looking up, sees on the right hand of the throne of the Majesty in the heavens the Vindicator of God's righteousness and the Purger of our sins (Heb. i:3)-the One who "was delivered for our offences, and raised again for our justification." "Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ" (Rom. 4:25; 5:1); more than this, we have the consciousness of present divine favor (ver. 2). What a wonderful thing! not only peace of conscience about our sins, but peace with God as God is, and where Christ is.

How blessed the portion of those who have received Jesus the Son of God as their Saviour! They have passed from death unto life. He is their righteousness, their life, their redemption, their present and future portion.

'' To you therefore which believe He is precious " (1 Peter 2:7). Wr.