Daily Bread In Hard Times.

It's dreadful to live this way ! I do wonder why God doesn't answer your prayer and send you some work," said Mrs. Wilson,

"Are you hungry, wife? I'm sure I thought we had a good breakfast," responded John Wilson.

" But we've nothing for dinner ! "

"But it isn't dinner-time yet, my wife."

"Well, I must confess I'd like to know what we are to have just a little while before dinner-time."

" God has said our bread and water shall be sure, but He has not promised that we shall know before-hand where it's coming from."

" Father," said little Maggie, " do you suppose God knows what time we have dinner?"

"Yes, my dear child, I suppose He knows exactly that. I've done my best to get work, and I'll go out now and look about."

John Wilson went away to seek work, and spent that forenoon seeking vainly. God saw that here was a diamond worth polishing. He subjected His servant's faith to a strain, but it bore the test. I will not say that no questionings or painful thoughts disturbed the man as he walked homeward at noon. Four eager, hungry little children, just home from school, to find the table un-spread, and no dinner ready for them ; an aged and infirm parent, from whom he had concealed as far as possible all his difficulties and perplexities, lest he should feel himself a burden in his old age,-awakened to a realization that there was not enough for him and them,-these were not pleasant pictures to contemplate; and all through the weary forenoon Satan had been holding them up to his view, and it was only by clinging to the Lord, as drowning men cling to the rope that is thrown to them, that he was kept from utter despondency.

"Thou knowest, O Lord, that I've done my best to support my family. My abilities are small, but I've done my best. Now, Lord, I'm waiting to see Thy salvation. Appear for me ! Let me not be put to shame.

"' Increase my faith, increase my hope,
Or soon my strength will fail.' "

So he prayed in his own simple fashion as he walked along.

He drew near to his own door with something of shrinking and dread. But the children rushed out to meet him with joyous shouts.

" Come right in, father ; quick !We've got a splendid dinner all ready. We've been waiting for you, and we're fearfully hungry."
The tired steps quickened, and the strongly drawn lines in the weary face softened to a look of cheerful questioning, such as was oftenest seen there. He came in and stood beside his wife, who was leaning over the fire, dipping soup out of the big dinner-pot with a ladle.

"How is this, mother?" said he.

"Why, father! Mr. Giddings has been over from Bristol. He came just after you went out. And he says a mistake was made in your account last August, which he has just found out by accident; he owed you fifteen shillings more, and he paid it to me. So I–"

" I don't think it was by accident, though," said John Wilson," interrupting her.

" Do you think it was accident that sent us that money to-day, mother?" persisted the thankful man.

"No, I don't think so," said the wife, humbly; and I am thankful. You haven’t heard the whole, though. Mr. Giddings wants you next Monday for all the week, and he thinks for all summer."

The grace at the table was a long one, full of thanks and praise, but not even the youngest child was impatient at its length.