Ans. 22.-With regard to further questions as to the use of unleavened bread at the institution of the Lord's Supper, Scripture is clear that for the whole week beginning with the passover, leaven was, according to the law, to be put out of the house. Thus I can only say again, that I believe nothing else could have been used at the institution, unless some leavened bread was purposely introduced from elsewhere, and of which surely we should have some trace, if of the importance that this would argue. But if the Lord used unleavened bread, this would answer all questions of suitability.
But Scripture has not bidden us use unleavened bread at the Lord's Supper, and all this is inference. It would be surely going beyond Scripture, therefore, to insist upon it, or to refuse it. "Bread" is all that is said; and this covers both kinds of bread. Why, then, should we raise the question?
Q. 23.-"How do you harmonize Matt. 11:14 and Jno. 1:21?"
Ans.-John would have been Elias to them had they received him, though not in fact Elias. He came " in the spirit and power of Elias " (Luke 1:17), but was rejected.
Q. 24.-"When are those martyred during the 'great tribulation ' raised from the dead ? "
Ans.-All we know is, that they are found in the ranks of the "first resurrection" in Rev. 20:4-6; and distinctly mentioned, so that there can be no mistake; but when exactly they are raised does not seem to be stated.
Q. 25.-" Are the saints of Rev. 20:9 translated to heaven finally, or what becomes of them? "
Ans.-They are apparently some of those that are to fill the new earth of chap. 21:1. More than this one can hardly say.