“Keep Thy Heart”

"Keep thy heart with all diligence. . . . Put away from thee a froward mouth. . . . Lei thine eyes look right on. . . . Ponder the path of thy feet" (Prov. 4:23-28.)

" Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path." (Ps. 119:105.)

Fellow -pilgrim, keep thy heart
With all diligence ;
Let thy Master rule and guide.
This is thy defense-
Peace thou canst not understand
Will thy subject heart command.

Put a guard upon thy lips.
Many a hurt and smart
This will spare thee by the way-
Many an aching heart.
Teach thee wholesome self-control,
Many a humbling spare Thy soul.

Let thine eyes look straight ahead
To the glorious end.
Though through window dimly now,
Faith doth comprehend.
Faith from heavy burdens frees us,
Links us with the risen Jesus.

Ponder o'er the way He leads thee,
Seek to know His will.
Turn not from His gracious guiding,
For He surely will
Give thee brightness more and more,
Till thy pilgrim journey's o'er.

Heart and lips and eyes and footsteps,
All in sweet accord.
Subject to His gentle leading
By His holy Word.
Thus Lord, if we follow Thee,
We shall never barren be.