
Beloved brother,-I have just read the first few pages of an article on "Hannah and Eli:A Contrast," in help and food, which is, I believe, very timely. But there is one thought which I wish to suggest in connection with Eli's failure:a thought which the experiences of the last twenty years among brethren, or, perhaps more correctly, with my brethren, have intensified in my own soul, to such a degree, that if you consider it worth any thing, I should like to give it to others of your readers.

And I will first introduce the thought by a quotation from "Collected Writings," J. N. D., on "God is light." "There is nothing more dangerous than to use the Word when it has not touched my conscience. I put myself into Satan's hands if I go beyond what I have from God, what is in possession of my soul, and use it in ministry or privately. There is nothing more dangerous than the handling of the Word apart from the guidance of the Spirit. To talk with saints on the things of God beyond what I hold in communion is most pernicious. There would be a great deal not said, that is said, were we watchful as to this, and the Word not so used in an unclean way. I know of nothing that more separates from God than truth spoken out of communion with God; there is uncommon danger in it."

I would like to emphasize these lines and repeat them ! and underscore them and repeat them again:and double underscore them and add a voice-shall I say of thunder, earthquake, fire, and hail and tempest:or of the still small voice which goes home to the conscience with divine power, or both; for sometimes thunder is God's instrument to open the ear; and without an open ear, the conscience is never reached. Beloved, I only wish this truth could be emphasized in the soul of every one who reads these lines as it has been in my own. There can be no doubt but that the writer of these lines felt and realized the importance of the sacredness of sacred things ? He could not have intensified the thought as he has in this brief quotation, if it had not been a divine reality in his own soul. Let me appeal to my reader:Have you, in your soul, a proper regard for sacred things ? Now, don't be offended at the direct appeal ? I speak as before God. Let us face the question, "For the word of God is quick and powerful, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. Neither is there any creature that is not manifest in His sight; but all things are naked and open unto the eyes of Him with whom we have to do." (Heb. 4:12,13.)

If we cannot face it now, how shall we face it when we meet Him, " whose eyes are as a flame of fire"? Beloved, how little we realize what it Is to stand in the presence of the living God, with unshod feet! (Ex. 3:1-6.) Compare also with care the nineteenth chapter of Exodus, also Heb. 12:18-29. But do you say, " Oh, that was the ground of law, and a God of judgment; but we are on the ground of grace"? Yes, thank God we are, but is a God of grace any the less holy than the God of judgment ? And are we not in danger of "turning the grace of God into lasciviousness " ?

Think a moment, my brother, how do you handle sacred things? Do you say, "Not at all." Think again! Who is it that does not handle them at all ? Are you a member of the body of Christ ? Are you indwelt by the Holy Ghost ? Are you linked up with a risen and glorified Christ in heaven, and thus "made a king and a priest unto God ?" And have nothing to do with sacred things ? To say that you do not handle sacred things is to betray your lack of heart for your birthright, like Esau.
Beloved, I believe the root of the sin of Christendom is the confounding of sacred and profane things; and the result is the complete loss of conscience, even in religious people, many times. And there are no people in greater danger as to this than ourselves-myself and yourself.

Undue familiarity with sacred things, if not consciously in the Lord's presence, is most hardening.

This was the key to the sad failure of Eli; he had lost the sense of sacred things in his own soul; and hence had lost all power to restrain his sons; and this same failure may be read in the atmosphere and deportment of many a household.

Depend upon it my brother and my sister, if sacred things have not power to control you in the presence of your household, Satan will have power to control it and you. It is Christ to be honored or dishonored, just as you will have it:first, in your heart, then in your home, then out among men. Sacred things as herein contemplated are the things of Christ, not the things of religion :sacred things in religion, where the Holy Ghost is ignored and Christ is left out, are but superstition, and have power in the Cathedral and at the confessional, and it is the power of Satan; hence the Priest and the Prayer-book are held in authority, while Christ and the Word of God are left out, and Protestantism is hastening in the steps of her mother.

But to bring this question home once more in practical power for our own hearts. For there is one place above all others where we shall betray our lack of a proper sense of, and care for, sacred things, and is, at the Lord's table!

My reader, have you ever been there ? And who did you meet ? Your brethren ? Yes. And what would you have done if none of your brethren had come f Would you have gone to the window to look out for some one coming, or have gone out to find them ? Or would you, on entering the room, in a quiet and careful manner, have gone to your seat, as though in the presence of the King of glory, the blessed Lord Jesus Christ, to receive His recognition of your presence and joy as one who would "keep His word and not deny His name ?" and is this a divine reality to you ? and from which you could not afford to be absent, unless your responsibility to Him required your absence? Sickness in the family, faithfulness as a servant, or relieving distress of others, where the will of the Lord was plainly indicated, might be just as acceptable to Him and just as precious to you, if taken up in faith. But never to entertain company. To stay away from the Lord's table on account of company, shows a very sad lack of respect for the Lord Himself, and that you are willing to grieve the blessed Lord Jesus to please your company.

But let us take still another view. Did you ever on entering the room sit down or stand and talk awhile with this one or that one, not realizing that your first and best respects belong to Him who is Lord of the feast ? Or would you sit down as indifferently as you would in a hotel while waiting for your dinner ? Or interest yourself very diligently in studying your Bible or Hymn-book ?

Now, my dearly beloved, don't let any of these Questions bring you into bondage; but, if there is a needs be, let them wake you up to look carefully after your deportment in the presence of the Lord of glory.

Let them search you out as regards your care for sacred things, and your regard for the Lord's honor. Surely, He cannot be indifferent as to how we behave ourselves in His presence, and not only at His table, but always everywhere He is with us.

Yes, beloved, our estimate of Himself, the value we put upon His company, will surely form our manners on the road. For we always behave the best toward those we love the most.