Be Courteous”

The spirit of Christianity includes all that is beautiful or good in the life and conduct. The polish of the world's manners is but an imitation of that true courtesy which should characterize the Christian. It is to be feared that too little is thought of that care in our in our conduct toward one another. The love and joy of the spirit will lead us to have a care for the feelings of others. This can be applied in a multitude of ways. It will show itself in that regard for others, a respectful listening to what they may say, a carefulness not to wound or offend. One may say he has a blunt way, and means no harm. It is not well thus to excuse one's self. A weak brother or sister may be stumbled by that blunt way; one not in communion might be driven off by it. We need to remember this in the heat of controversy. Sharp things are said, which only wound, and do not please God. Let us be courteous. Let us be careful how we contradict one another. How easy it is to accuse of untruthfulness in heat, when we cannot believe that to be the case when we quietly think over the matter ! Then, too, we should show proper regard in speaking to one another, especially to those who might feel such a neglect. Does not the apostle tell the saints to greet one another ? But it is needless to enumerate. In all our intercourse, we are in constant need of that gracious thoughtfulness perfectly consistent with quiet dignity, which helps and cheers all with whom we meet.

All this is not legality, nor outward form :" friendly minded" is the word for "courtesy." Right thoughts, right feelings, a true love, will produce a courtesy impossible to be imitated by the worldling, however polished he may be,-a courtesy common alike to all, even the naturally unrefined, because it has its roots in the renewed heart. In this, as in all else, let us remember that our God would have us givers, not receivers. We are not to wait until others act courteously toward us. Let us show courtesy, looking for nothing in return, and how soon will we find ourselves being treated in the same manner!