“The Dew Brings Them Out”

Driving along the road with a companion the writer remarked the great number of spider's web son the grass along the road-side. His companion replied, "Yes, the dew brings them out," which was in fact the case:they were made visible by the dew which lay upon them. How simple yet true a picture of our way in this world ! Our path is beset with snares, on the. right and the left. Satan spreads his nets at every step to catch the unwary. But the dew brings them out.

Israel had to gather the manna when the dew was yet upon the ground. The reviving, refreshing influences of the Holy Spirit are thus typified. It is in communion with God, enjoying the guidance and comfort of the Holy Spirit, in the Word of God, that we are enabled to detect the snares of Satan, and so to avoid them. How often do young Christians ask the question, "Is there any harm in this or that habit, or association?" How often, alas ! do they step into what is nothing but a snare of Satan! How can they avoid these snares ? Simply by letting the dew bring them out-abiding in communion with God, the Holy Spirit ministering the Word to them and the snares are detected. Many apparently harmless things will then be seen to be snares.

May we thus let the Holy Spirit be our detective, and as we press on our way see the traps of the enemy and say, "we are not ignorant of his devices."