Having already, in some measure, given outlines of the books suggested for daily reading, we purpose this year, the Lord enabling, to indicate rather topics for study, and suggest helpful books to be read in connection with the Scriptures.
First of all, as to the reading. Would it not be an easy thing to read this book of Exodus in the family? Time is precious, opportunities few:let the children be gathered at least once daily, and a chapter be read, " verse about."
For those who can do so, it will be found helpful to read some other version along with the authorized text. The Revised Version is useful. More so is that of J. N. D., and the text of the Numerical Bible. If these last agree in any correction of translation in the authorized version, it may safely be marked on the margin of the book in regular use.
Of helpful books on Exodus there are a number. C. H. M.'s " Notes" are excellent, especially for the younger student, and most valuable in gospel and fundamental truth. "Typical Teachings of Exodus," by E. Dennett, is most helpful, particularly in unfolding the beauties of the Tabernacle. The Synopsis of the Books of the Bible gives briefly and most strikingly the salient features and current of thought in this book; while the Notes of the Numerical Bible are a complete and orderly exposition, with many precious unfoldings, both new and old.
It will be found very helpful to mark the divisions of the text as indicated in the Numerical Bible, as well as alterations in the text of the authorized version. It is also very desirable to keep a note-book at hand, in which to put down thoughts as to the passage read, and notes of various kinds. These note-books will gradually accumulate, and form a valuable library of reference; but their great value is in our having made them, having expressed clearly what might otherwise have been vague. There are many most profitable topics for special study in the book of Exodus. The following might be named as the chief:
(1) The ten plagues-their order, nature, and effect; their typical significance; similar inflictions mentioned in other scriptures, particularly in the book of Revelation. In this connection, the prophetic nature of these plagues, both in relation to the deliverance of the people and the judgment upon their enemies, will be profitable.
(2) Redemption, by blood and by power. Compare the blood of the passover lamb with the cleansing blood mentioned in i John, and with the way of access into the presence of God in Heb. 9:10. Find correspondences between the Red Sea deliverance and that unfolded in Rom. 6:, 7:
(3) The Law. Compare the first giving of the law with the second, mingled with mercy. Study the question of law as that which condemns, in Romans, and of it as a rule of life, as seen in Galatians. Get with entire clearness the fact that the believer is absolutely free from the law. Take up each of the ten commandments, and show from Scripture how Israel violated them; also, how men in general have done the same. Show how Christ has borne the curse of the broken law in each case; and lastly, find scriptures which show that "the righteousness of the law" is fulfilled in those who walk after the Spirit. This will be found a most profitable line of study.
(4) The Tabernacle is most rich and full. Note the difference between the directions for making it and the actual accomplishment of the work. Make a list of all the materials used, and find from Scripture the significance of each. In the same way, learn from Scripture the significance of each article of furniture. Learn the great truths of approach to God and of the display of His glory in Christ.
We have given the merest hints, sufficient to occupy the leisure time for more than a month. But even a partial study along the lines indicated, and others, will, un-der the guidance of the Holy Spirit, produce rich and lasting results.
Let us never forget that nothing is of value apart from the Holy Spirit, and that we need to be low before God, walking in dependence, obedience, and faith.